Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

Bye-Bye Bad Days

When we keep telling ourselves we've had the worst day, we reinforce negative thinking and increase stress. Reframing our experiences by saying "I’ve overcome these challenges today,“ creates positive thinking patterns instead. This simple change can improve mental health and self-esteem.

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Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

Embracing your emotional intelligence

As the nature of work and society evolves, the importance of emotional intelligence has become more pronounced. While IQ remains a valuable measure of cognitive ability, EQ addresses the human aspects of interaction, adaptation, and leadership that are increasingly vital in the modern world. The shift towards valuing EQ reflects a broader understanding of what it means to be successful—not just in terms of intellectual achievements, but also in the ability to lead, connect, and thrive in a complex, dynamic environment.

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Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

Adult ADHD

ADHD continues to garner attention due to its complex presentation and the significant impact it has on individuals' lives. Characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, ADHD is a disorder typically associated with children as a means to explain episodes of irregular behaviour during their developmental stages. But what happens beyond childhood?

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Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

emotional fitness 101

Emotional fitness is not just a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle choice that can profoundly impact every facet of your life. With the right approach, you can turn emotional fitness into your superpower, making you more resilient, empathetic, and connected. Check out how incorporating emotional fitness into your next glute and bicep workout will make you feel empowered and transform your emotional intelligence.

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Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

The Transformative Power of Acknowledging Accomplishments with Experiences.

Use experiential rewards instead of material gifts to celebrate children's achievements. Not only will it enhance their appreciation for non-material joys and strengthen social bonds, but also preserves the valuable lesson of working hard to earn material possessions. It teaches important life skills like saving, budgeting, and understanding the value of items, ensuring a balanced and holistic growth.

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Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

Rethinking the "New Year, New Me" Mentality.

"New Year, New Me? How about a smarter approach!

Let's swap drastic resolutions for simple, weekly updates. Think of it like refreshing your favourite app - small changes that make a big difference. Each week, take a moment to tweak your routine. Drop what's not working, keep what is, and try something new. It's all about flexibility and adapting to what life throws your way.

Say goodbye to overwhelming yearly goals. Say hello to steady, enjoyable progress.

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Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

Learning Doesn't Depend on Schools.

Transforming education by supporting parents with a practical guide to tailoring bespoke learning opportunities that engage and entertain their children effectively during school holidays.

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Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

Connect Before Content.

Too often we are so focused on getting through content, we forget to invest time in building the foundations engagement, belonging, and ultimately an appreciation for learning. Having strong connections with students and colleagues will super-charge learning and create an environment perfect for building great humans.

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Dylan Sulzer Dylan Sulzer

Hook, Line and Thinker.

It’s hard to follow an instruction if you don’t understand it. Too often education explains concepts using complex academic terminology. Not overly useful for a nine year old who is more concerned about how they will win their handball game at lunch time. By changing the way we communicate information, we remove the comprehension barrier completely. The purpose of “Kid Speak” is to communicate effectively with children in a way that they can understand and engage with, while also creating a positive and enjoyable experience for them.

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